Service Economy

No economy can be advanced on day 1. It has to go through evolution and achieve advancement and stability. This concept is beautifully mentioned in Tegro’s ‘Generations of Web3 Games’.

Web3 games can be classified into four generations, each introducing new elements to create a robust and sustainable economy.

Gen 0 - NFT games, lack value addition from trading and face issues with liquidity, asset valuation, and low trade frequency.

Example: Every other NFT P2E game out there.

Gen 1 - NFT + FT games incorporate fungible assets for better liquidity and higher trade volumes, allowing the economy to grow with added value.

Example: Star Atlas

Gen 2 - Predictable supply games introduce the concept of predictable supply for all assets to allow for better decision making and long-term liquidity.

Example: Sunflower Land

Gen 3 - Service economy games incorporate a solid service economy where time-rich players can outsource their gameplay to money-rich players for a pure play-to-earn experience.

Example: CropBytes

Gen 4 - Economy Governance games are governed by the various actors in the ecosystem rather than centralised control, allowing for economic reforms to create value for everyone.

Example: Dark Forest

In a play-to-earn model, players are able to earn real-world rewards, such as cryptocurrency or fiat currency, for their in-game activities. However, for play-to-earn to be sustainable, the game economy must generate wealth that can be utilized by players to earn a sustained income through gameplay.

One key to achieving this sustainability is the concept of a service economy. The service economy is a system where individuals provide services to others for a fee. This can be applied to all aspects of life, including real world agriculture or the service sector.

Service economy in play-to-earn gaming can be found in CropBytes. Players can earn cryptocurrency by growing and harvesting virtual crops. However, to maximize their earnings, players need to spend a significant amount of time tending to their crops. Players who have less time to play can hire other players to tend to their crops for them. This allows those players to earn cryptocurrency without having to spend as much time playing the game.

In addition to providing a way for players to earn a sustained income, the service economy can also benefit the game economy as a whole. By providing opportunities for players to earn cryptocurrency without having to invest money upfront, the service economy can attract more players to the game. This can help to increase the demand for in-game items and currency, which can in turn increase the value of those items and currency.

In conclusion, the service economy is an important component of a sustainable play-to-earn gaming ecosystem. By providing a way for players to earn a sustained income and attracting more players to the game, the service economy can help to ensure the long-term viability of play-to-earn gaming.

How Service Economy works in CropBytes

There are two main flows when it comes to Service Economy in CropBytes. One is the job provider role, and the other is the job taker role. As of today there is only one gameplay loop that creates these jobs.

  • Job Provider Flow (Asset Mining): Asset mining is a process that allows players to generate a new supply of game assets by burning CBX and Pro Mix. To mine assets, players need to visit the CBX station, choose the asset they want to mine, and burn the required amount of CBX and Pro Mix. After starting the mining process, players need to complete some mini-games to finish mining. Once a player burns CBX and Pro Mix and starts mining, he needs to complete several mini-games that will be required to complete the mining process. All the mini-games need to be completed to mine an asset. Once a mini-game is picked, the miner gets assigned to it and cannot be used for other minings until the next mini-game is unlocked. The miner can be assigned to only one mini-game at a time. So if players wish to speed up the mining process, they can hire miners from other farmers to play the mini-game and assign their miners.

  • Job Taker Flow (Get Paid To Play): Apart from the farmer, players also have a miner avatar on the farm which can only be assigned for mining assets. They can use the miner for their minings or assign it to another user’s mining after completing a mini-game. This enables our players to earn CBX by playing mini-games that are required to complete mining. This functionality will be available through a ‘Job Board’ where farmers view and complete jobs posted by other farmers. To complete mining jobs, farmers must play mini-games using their miner avatar. The excellency of this feature is that the player fulfilling the mining job by playing mini-games will be essentially pocketing CBX as the fee. Hence making it one of the first free-2-play and play-to-earn web3 ecosystems.

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